Elie During

Élie During is Associate Professor in philosophy at University of Paris Nanterre, and a member of the Institut de recherches philosophiques (IRePh). He also teaches at the École des Beaux-arts de Paris and the European Graduate School. His current research focuses on the philosophical and wider cultural implications of simultaneity and coexistence at the crossroads of science, metaphysics, and art.
His publications include Faux raccords : la coexistence des images (Actes Sud, 2010), Le Futur n’existe pas(B42, 2014), several co-edited volumes such as In Actu : de l’expérimental dans l’art (Presses du réel, 2009), and more recently Choses en soi : métaphysique du réalisme (Puf, 2018), as well as critical editions of some of his favorite authors: Bergson (Durée et Simultanéité: à propos de la théorie d’Einstein, Puf, 2009; Le Souvenir du présent et la fausse reconnaissance, Puf, 2012), and Bachelard (La Dialectique de la durée, Puf, 2022). His latest book is a fictional work: Glenn Gould- (Éditions de la Philharmonie, 2021, in collaboration with artist A. Bublex). In preparation: an anthology of great texts about physics, and more personal essays on time, the extraterrestrial condition, etc. A member of the Conseil des Temps qui restent, Élie During has been actively involved, for a quarter of a century, in the editorial board of the review Critique.