Lancement d'un edit-a-thon annuel Art+feminism pour améliorer la représentation des femmes artistes sur Wikipedia. Cette initiative fait partie d'un effort plus vaste pour corriger un biais persistant dans les articles de Wikipédia écrits de manière disproportionnée par et sur les hommes. L'encyclopédie collaborative est l'une des plus importantes sources d'informations, or seulement 10% à 20% des contributeur.ices de Wikipédia s'identifient comme femmes.
Crédits de l'image©
Droitsrequested, no reaction yet
Art + Feminism
Jacqueline Mabey
Regarding the image: it is a remix of Aleksandr Rodchenko’s Books, 1924. We did the requisite research to determine if it was out of copyright; we are not lawyers, so we were unable to determine if this is fair use. Nor did we request permission from The Estate of Alexander Rodchenko to use or remix the reproduction of Books! to promote the Art+Feminism Edit-a-thons.
requested, no reaction yet
Art + Feminism
Jacqueline Mabey
Regarding the image: it is a remix of Aleksandr Rodchenko’s Books, 1924. We did the requisite research to determine if it was out of copyright; we are not lawyers, so we were unable to determine if this is fair use. Nor did we request permission from The Estate of Alexander Rodchenko to use or remix the reproduction of Books! to promote the Art+Feminism Edit-a-thons.