Emission Neigh-
bourhood Garden ---- color: #00BCE4 ---- id: lowemission ---- imagehead: ---- imagestart: MoL_Garden.jpg ---- imageend: ---- text: ## Background The Phyto-sensor toolkit is created along with two demon- strator garden planters near the entrance to the Museum of London. The Low Emission Neighbourhood (LEN) Urban Garden includes plants that are responsive to air pollution, whether through depositing particulates in leafy structures, taking up nitrogen dioxide through stomata, or displaying sensitivity to ozone. The gardens are installed from September 2017 to summer 2018. Jennifer Gabrys of Citizen Sense advised on the plants to be included in these planters based on their response to different pollutants. Paul McGann of Grow Elephant developed and installed the planters in the autumn of 2017. ## Plants Many of the plants in the LEN Urban Garden are also included in this toolkit with brief descriptions. Some of these plants include: Taxus baccata (Yew), Sorbaria sorbifolia (False Spirea), Hedera helix (Ivy), Achillea millefolium (Yarrow), Aster spp. (Aster), Sambucus racemosa (Red Elder), Symphoricarpos albus (Snowberry), Osmanthus delavayi (Delavay Osmanthus), Salvia nemerosa (Sage), Lavendula ‘Platinum Blond’ (Lavender), Heuchera spp. (Coral Bells), and Euphorbia characias (Mediterranean Spurge). ##Location Museum of London entrance / high walk Closest station: St Paul’s More info: www.museumoflondon.org.uk Plants